Well, we’re back!!

I can hardly put into works the amazingess that was our past month. We had an absolutely fantastic time. We saw incredible sights, we had some amazing adventures, and we came back to find out that Logan passed the bar exam!!!! So we are over the moon.
Most of all, it was just plain wonderful to spend all that time with Logan. Bliss. I’m sure I’ll be sharing lots about our trip in the coming months, so stay tuned for our adventure of a lifetime!
Now we’re home, and it’s wonderful. After a month of living out of a backpack and travel-sized bottles of shampoo, it’s nice to be in the land of air conditioning and quality wifi and My Own Bed.
We now find ourselves in another odd season: waiting and preparing, but more in the sense of hurry-up-and-wait, because those things could happen very quickly once they start. We’ll see what happens, but regardless of the details we’re thrilled for this next step!!
More to come soon, I promise. On both the travel adventures and the next step adventures.
In the meantime, here’s my goals for September!

Homecoming is an odd concept, because this we can count this remaining time we call Durham home in weeks. This fall, possibly very soon, we’ll begin the next phase of Logan’s military career and move to wherever he’s stationed. I’m pretty excited about it, and hopefully we’ll find out anytime now where we’ll be!! In the meantime, I’m focused on enjoying our Durham life and prepping for a move, meaning purge our stuff like nobody’s business. That’s the theme/habit for this month: enjoy the life we’ve created here in Durham.
My goals for the month are:
- Read 6 books
- Write 8 blog posts
- Get cooking again, and use up lots of our pantry staples as possible
- Go through all the stuff! I’ve done some good work with clothes already, which I’ll share about soon, but now that I finished my job I can give away more. I also want to go through tshirts, books, office supplies, Logan’s clothes, and kitchen supplies. There is just no need to move stuff we don’t use!
- Do a big chunk of Europe photo editing. Maybe not all, but certainly most.
- See lots of friends!
- Watch a lot of movies. Traveling made us crave watching the Harry Potter series and James Bond, so I foresee lots of movie date nights!!

Stay tuned for lots more photos and stories from our trip!
Opinions are my own and I didn’t receive compensation for my writing. The links above contain affiliate links, which means I get a few cents (at no extra cost to you) if you book or buy something via that link. This helps me keep costs down and posts up! All images copyright Teaspoon of Nose.
[…] Logan graduated, commissioned into the Air Force, and passed the bar exam! […]