Summer is in full swing, so let’s get our summer bucket list on!

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Our big news is that it’s happening! We are officially living in a hotel at this point. This may last for some number of weeks, but we decided to get our stuff sent along rather than live 3 months in a new apartment without any stuff.
So. Outside of the moving process – which is dominating life right now – here’s the quick hits of life: we’re turning over the keys to our house tomorrow!
I’ve also finished up all my freelance work. It’s a bittersweet
Last weekend we headed down to Dallas to meet my parents for a weekend getaway! It was so much fun to spend some time with them without a real agenda. We headed down to Waco and had all the Magnolia fun, which I’d been dying to check out ever since we moved to the area!

Side note: the digital prints in my Etsy shop are still open! That will stay up as long as we’re still stateside.
Spring Bucket List Recap
As far as the spring bucket list went, it was [appropriately] dominated by pre-move logistics. And as predicted, I feel like all I did over the past three months was work and handle moving logistics.
Oklahoma saw a rainy spring, so I didn’t enjoy the outdoors quite as much as I’d hoped. But I did read a ton, trying to get rid of books in my never-ending collection.
We also did a TON of weekend trips. Quality time in Amarillo, exploring Route 66, or hiking all over the place. Let’s be real, all this was balanced by running pre-move logistics all over the state. But we tried to attach some fun to each drive!

Summer Bucket List
This summer’s bucket list is light on typical summertime activities – mostly because we’ll be in transit most of the time! We’re officially living in a hotel until we find our Italian home, so the list is more about simple fun summer things.
- Take a weekend road trip
- Eat barbecue
- Hike a new trail
- Make: s
’mores , summer stir fry, and negronis - Send a postcard from vacation
- Eat dinner outside
- Go to the beach
- Go stargazing
- Pack a picnic
- Read: Every Day in Tuscany, The Summer Wives, and Next Year in Havana
- Explore our new town
- Move to Italy!
- Visit a vineyard
- Take a photo every day
- Find a new apartment
- Try a new hobby
- Plan a getaway for Logan’s birthday

Want to join the fun? Every season I share a free graphic chock full of summer fun for my followers! You can grab it by joining my email list below!

Be sure to let me know what summer fun you’re getting up to! Bonus points if you make it to the ocean. My beach-loving heart constantly yearns for saltwater therapy, and I don’t know if/when I’ll make it this year!
What’s on your summer bucket list?