It’s been about 3 months since I’ve embraced the curiosity that is my blog. Initially I stopped posting because there was too much going on, and the goal of updating a blog regularly seemed like just the thing to tip me into insanity. So I put it on pause.
In the months since, I’ve thought about posting a lot. Like Barney Stinson, there’ve been tons of blog-worthy moments. Stories from the honeymoon, thoughts on the early stages of marriage, advice about weddings, reflections about UNC IV, or even just excitement over the Christmas season. I’ve gone as far as photographing projects I’ve made – gifts, foods, etc – as if I’m going to introduce a DIY component here. Yet I never seemed to be able to post. I’ve half-written several posts, then never concluded them. This fall has been so full that I haven’t known where to start.
I realized this morning that I just have to start. Not with fireworks, but with something.
So without further ado, this is reboot of the blog! Stay tuned!