

As many of you know, life right now is busy. Busier than I’ve ever been in my whole life. (That sounds silly, I know, but I’m serious.) I’m going through lots of transitions, which means that I’m living in the tension of having more things that demand my time but having less mental/emotional/physical capacity to deal with them. Like I said in my last post, I’ve been learning a lot about what it means to give myself grace. But the fact remains that I have more to do and less ability to do them.

That means prioritizing. I’m not great at this: things that seem small and quick seem to jump to the front of the line, but often I spend way more time on those ‘easy’ tasks than I mean to. Even as I prioritize, I’m realized that equally helpful is to temporarily de-prioritize some things. Which is hard, because some of the things I really enjoy doing. But right at this moment I don’t need to add “cook three things I’ve never made before per week” to the to-do list.

So I’ve decided a couple things that need to go by the wayside for a couple weeks. Things like trying new complicated recipes or reading 7 books at one time (yes I’m currently in the middle of 7 books). Another one that I’m going to step away from for a couple weeks is blogging. I’m having trouble keeping up with my flesh-and-blood friends so I want to put more effort on that. So I don’t need to spend time on my relationship with the Internet right now.

So I won’t be posting for at least the next month. Post-wedding, post-October, I’ll get back in the groove. Until then, talk to me in person! While I’m much cleverer online, I’m still me. 🙂

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