June was full of regular life stuff: hosting friends for dinners, training the dog, realizing you have no shorts and going straight to the store. The heat has really kicked in here: a 110° day happened more than once. I continue to see hilarious things about my small town, such as noticing the pontoon houseboat abandoned in a field. It’s big enough that I don’t know how it got there OR where there’s a body of water big enough to necessitate a house boat.
My Etsy shop has been slow this month, which has challenged me to expand my offerings and keep learning how to create what there’s demand for. We were featured in an interview and giveaway with Confidently Elegant, and our winner Tami chose a rose gold dreamcatcher for her prize!
I think I mentioned last month that there would be some growing this summer for the blog, and a lot of that kicked in in the past week! First off, Teaspoon of Nose got a makeover and I’m pretty pleased with the result. I’m still tweaking everything and I’d love any thoughts or feedback you may have!
Secondly, I started an email list! I’ll send goodies to your inbox a couple times each month, full of behind the scenes, personal updates, coupons for the shop, maybe even some blooper photos? Who knows, we’ll see. All this in addition to a digest of the latest blog posts and updates to my design shop. You can sign up here!

June goals:
- Training Wedge – It’s a daily process, and he’s eager to please. I feel like I’m mostly just fighting puppy energy! He’s doing great, particularly considering how much he didn’t like leashes a month ago.
- Read 7 books – I’ve read some great ones this month, including this and this.
- Do some much-needed website updates – This is my biggest achievement this month!
- Put together a writing portfolio and write a lot – Ha. The only progress here was the usual posting; I haven’t done much practicing outside of the normal scope. I want to keep this one in the mix for next month.
- Keep growing my Etsy shop – Yes, although less than I’d hoped.
- Continue Rosetta Stone Spanish – Yes, but not making much progress. Off.
- Complete Whole30 – You better believe it! You can read more about my experience here.
- Get down to inbox zero and clear out some digital clutter! – Progress, but not caught up. This also got bumped to next month’s list.
- Catch up photo editing – Yes! Mostly because of the pup, I’ve taken lots more photos, but editing takes a while. I’ve worked my way through the backlog though! Be prepared for lots more puppy pictures!
I’ll be traveling most of July, so goals are a bit wonky. If I can’t do it from my laptop, it may not happen this month. Plus, I’m hoping to get some good relaxing time in: being self-employed has meant I sort-of-work seven days a week, and I need to actually give myself some time to turn off and not think about the blog or the shop. Looking forward to a bit of that this month.
July Goals
- Travel a bunch: North Carolina and Virginia, here I come!
- Create more Etsy goodies, including unveiling my bridal shower in a box: a kit with everything you need to host a fantastic wedding shower!
- Finish my Shutterfly photo album of our Europe trip [I can’t believe this has taken so long… ]
- Create a writing portfolio
- Inbox zero
- Come up with a work schedule or structure that helps me to differentiate between working and not working
- Read 7 books
- Rest and relax!
What are your goals for the month? Any vacations on the horizon?
all photos copyright Teaspoon of Nose
Loving the blog makeover!!!
Thanks girl!!
Your blog makeover looks fantastic and that must have taken a lot of time! My goal for July is to get ahead on writing posts for my blog. I always have lots of great ideas to write about, but then when it comes to editing the writing and the photos I always feel like I’m doing it last minute!
Elizabeth | Confidentlyelegant.com
I hear you about last minute. I try to do some of them in advance, like the recipes – I just sit down and write the intro right before! It makes it so much simpler to promote that way!
Thanks, great article.