Happy November, friends!
How was your Halloween? Some friends threw TV show-themed party last weekend: we went as Buster Bluth and a loose seal, which few people got if I wasn’t standing next to Buster or they hadn’t seen Arrested Development.
We do have some big military life updates: we’re moving a little sooner than expected! We leave NC in two weeks. The date has changed three times, but now it’s In The Official Paperwork. I’m a little worn out from the constantly changing plans, but I’m definitely ready to not live out of boxes anymore! So getting there earlier suits me fine.
Looking at October’s goals, here’s how we did:
- Read 6 books – goodness gracious y’all, I am unemployed. Reading a lot. This month I hit my goal for 2016 on goodreads – 70 books! I’ve been stuck on a James Michener novel for a while – it’s good, but 800 pages and a little dense. However, October has also given me some on-point nonfiction, which I’ll share with you soon.
- Write 8 blog posts – yes! See above re: unemployment.
- Finish editing Europe photos – whelp, no. Made some great progress, but didn’t finish. We’ll continue this one for November.
- Celebrate our wedding anniversary! – AH yes. We spent the whole day together (an anniversary first, except for our actual wedding day), went hiking, relaxed, and then had dinner at our first date restaurant. See me gush here.
- Move, if at all possible – so. Turns out not really possible. We did move out of our place this past weekend. Work in progress on the exact move date to Oklahoma!
- Find housing for our next location – see above. Work in progress.
- Continue to get time with friends & family! – Knowing our location has made the move feel much more real, and I’m feeling some of the sadness I knew would come to leave some beloved people. I’ve lived in this area for nearly my whole life, so the roots are deep. Trying to cherish the community we’ve built here while we still can.
You may have noticed that I haven’t been posting as many recipes. This has been partly because we’ve been living out of boxes for weeks getting ready to move and partly because we’ve been soaking up as much of Durham & Chapel Hill food as we possibly can! Once we’re settled in I’m planning to ramp that back up, but I’l try to squeeze in a few guest appearances in friends’ kitchens in the meantime.
In the midst of our vagabonding, here’s my November goals!
- Move!!
- Get unpacked (mostly), and maybe buy a couch
- Read 7 books
- Write 10 blog posts
- Work on setting up Lightroom photo cataloging
- Finish editing Europe photos
- Work on Rosetta Stone (spanish) once a week
- Exercise 4x/week
- Celebrate Thanksgiving
They may be … shall we say, a bit bold. I may be overestimating my abilities here, but since we’re already entirely packed for our move, maybe there’s more time for creative endeavors? Or I’m being optimistic. Either way.
My refrain for the past couple months still applies: life is a little uncertain, but if nothing else I can still read and write and love people.
What are your goals for the month?
The links above contain affiliate links, which means I get a few cents (at no extra cost to you) if you book or buy something via that link. This helps me keep costs down and posts up! All images copyright Teaspoon of Nose.
Haha somehow photos ALWAYS take longer to edit than you expect. I’ve resigned myself to just bringing my laptop with me on extended trips (in civilization…not on backpacking trips) and just working on photos a little bit before bed. At the very least if I back up the photos and organize them in lightroom catalogs and maybe flag some of my favorites it makes it so much easier to sort through them later 🙂 Good luck with the move, the Lightroom catalogs, and the photo editing!! 😀
I love editing, but it takes forever!! I usually do it in front of a movie, which slows me down but it makes me happy. 🙂 Thanks Liz!!