
Best Nonfiction of 2018

The new year’s arrival means a look back at my favorites books of last year! Last week I share the best fiction, so today I’m sharing my favorite nonfiction of 2018! Now that the year is over, I can officially announce the final tally of books I read in 2018: 120. That’s the most I’ve… Read More Best Nonfiction of 2018


Best Nonfiction of 2017

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas!! We’re travelling through North Carolina right now, and it has been so much fun to see our families. We’re passing the 20 hours of driving each way by listening to Game of Thrones together, which has turned out to be WAY better than fighting over the radio. As the… Read More Best Nonfiction of 2017


How I read so much

A lot of people ask me how I read so many books so quickly, so I thought I’d share about that today! First of all, let me say that my employment status hasn’t really affected my reading speeds. Currently I’m self-employed making custom gold foil paper goods, but working from home doesn’t really mean I’m… Read More How I read so much