
What I’m reading: Carry On, Warrior

“Have you heard of Glennon Doyle Melton?” my friend asked me one day last month.

I hadn’t. She followed up by telling me she’s the founder of Momastery, which I’d heard of and assumed was a “mommy blog,” and yes I was a touch judgmental about what I thought air-quotes-mommy-blogs are. My kidless self made some assumptions and have been properly chastised. Turns out it’s much more – and much better –  than I’d thought. My apologies.

So I’d heard of Momastery but I hadn’t ever read anything on that particular piece of the internet. But my friend recommended Melton’s first book, Carry On, Warrior, and then lent it to me with strict instructions to read it. [Don’t you love friends like that, who put the book in your hands because she knew you probably wrote it down and promptly forgot about it? They are just the best.]

Within the first two pages I was sucked in. By page 5 I laughed out loud. On page 8 I cried. The scope of this book blew me away.

In a memoir essay style reminiscent of Anne Lamott or Shauna Niequist, she talks about life. It’s the style I aspire to: honest, raw and funny, all the while telling an everyday story that’s both relatable and awesome.

In her “Sister” essay, I cried. I don’t even have a sister but I hurt for Sister and imagined myself loving my college roommates the way Melton does.

“Airing Our Dirty Laundry” cracked me up extra because I’d forgotten a load of not-fully-dry laundry just that week and had broken her SAME Wednesday rule.

The threads of faith, family and marriage run throughout, and she rarely talks about one without touching the other two. Even if Christianity isn’t your thing, it’s a great book about life – of facing the hard things and the day to day and living life for real. She describes it this way in the first chapter: “That was going to be my thing. I was going to make people feel better about their insides by showing them mine. By being my real self.” She’s candid about the parts of her that’s messed up and funny without making light of them.

My latest book obsession: Carry On Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton

That, to me, is the crux of this book. Her faith is real and part of life in the big things and the small things. She talks to God as the best friend you call to tell that ridiculous thing that happened today or about the intensely hard decision you’re grappling with.

Peace isn’t the absence of distraction or annoyance or pain. It’s finding Me, finding peace and calm, in the midst of those distractions and annoyances and pains.

There’s something to the essay style books that read like a conversation for me. They soothe and encourage and push and love me in a way that speaks to my soul.

Melton has also written a more recent book focusing on marriage that I haven’t read yet, Love Warrior. It’s definitely on my wish list this Christmas!

Do you have anything on your holiday reading list that you’re especially excited about? What should I read next??

Opinions are my own and I didn’t receive compensation for my writing. The links above contain affiliate links, which means I get a few cents (at no extra cost to you) if you book or buy something via that link. This helps me keep costs down and posts up! All images copyright Teaspoon of Nose.

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