Now that bar prep is in full swing, Logan has pretty much hunkered down with his books nonstop. But back during the school year, his favorite way to get away from it all was disc golf. So one day after finals, we ran away for a few hours to the course at Southern Village!
They’ve got an 18 hole course which starts just across the field next to the parking area and winds through the woods. It makes for a peaceful walk if you’re not into disc golf, but also a fun running trail if you’re aiming to make the course into a cardio workout.
The course snakes through the woods, which makes it seem like you cover a ton of ground over the eighteen holes.
Let’s just say disc golf isn’t my forte, but it’s fun to hang out with Logan!
The woods looked like a fairyland!
Lost a disc a couple times in the woods, but with enough searching we found it! This actually happens to me all the time – when we’d just starting dating, I lost his nicest disc. Ever since then, I request only the really old ones.
Back to studying!
all images copyright Teaspoon of Nose