After a nine week training in Montgomery, Alabama, Logan and his fellow JAG officers graduated!!
JASOC, or Judge Advocate Staff Officer Course, preps JAGs on courts-martial, legal issues and operations law. The course is intended to round out their law school education and teach the differences and distinctions of military court system.
The graduation festivities consisted of two parts: a banquet followed by a graduation ceremony the following morning. The banquet was a black tie affair, complete with Air Force mess dress, awards, and speeches.
I got to visit Logan a couple times during the training, so I got to know his flight pretty well. They were quick to include me in dinners or share their hairspray before the banquet. I loved these people, and some of us already have plans to meet up soon! The camaraderie amongst people spread all over the world is a testament to the level of community in the Air Force.
Another great thing about this graduation was that so many spouses came into town! I got to meet so many other people living the life I’ve signed up for, and the best part about this crowd is that we’re all newbies! The commandant’s wife ran an orientation of sorts for JAG spouses, and if you get the chance to attend something like, you should go. Along with another JAG spouse and the TJAG’s wife (The Judge Advocate General, the head JAG of the Air Force), they told stories and shared practical tips to adjusting to life as a military spouse. Most of the men & women there hadn’t moved to their assignments yet, which meant that for once in my military “career” I wasn’t the new kid on the scene! This is because of Logan’s ROTC experience – most lawyers don’t do that and therefore had to do Commissioned Officer Training before JASOC. Meaning that most of them don’t move before all that training!
Afterwards I had the chance to speak to Robin, the TJAG’s wife. She is fantastic and down to earth and genuinely welcoming into the Air Force community. She ended our conversation with “welcome to the Air Force family, Emma.”
Air Force life won’t always be easy, I know that. But I continue to be so impressed with the community here. For anyone following who is looking ahead to the military spouse life, let me be the first to say that this road isn’t easy but it does work to care of its own.
This occasion wasn’t about the spouses though: it’s about the graduates!! The morning after the banquet, everyone gathered for the graduation ceremony. This is where JASOC graduates receive their diplomas and get “pinned,” allowing them to call themselves fully qualified JAGs.

I’m so proud of my JAG!
all images copyright Teaspoon of Nose
Hello! Pending bar results, my husband may be attending training in the spring. I understand that spouses don’t attend COT, but are they permitted to stay during on base with their JAG in training during JASOC? What did you and your husband do? Thanks!
Hey Paige! Congratulations – JAG life is crazy and I love it! Assuming you’re Air Force (each branch handles things slightly differently), you most likely can with! Usually JASOC attendees don’t have roommates and stay in a hotel room, so you can stay with them if you’d like! I spent the time nomad-ing it, seeing friends and family as well as staying with my husband twice during that time. I know a few spouses who stayed the entire time. For the most part, it’s figuring out what you’re most comfortable with!
If you want to chat more, I’d love to connect!
[…] Logan graduate from training – Success!! We had a blast and he’s now diving into the JAG […]