Y’all, it is APRIL!
April is my favorite month. Partly because it’s my birthday! But it’s also a beautiful time of year with everything coming up green and full of new life. In the south it usually starts in late February, but some unusually late snow meant the weather didn’t really kick off properly until recently.

I know this vagabonding time is such a unique thing – how many other people get to gallivant around for two months with little concern for adult responsibilities? I’ve been able to visit lots of my favorite hometown spots as well as travel all over the southeast to see friends.
My Etsy shop has been so much fun to work on! It feels like I’m using long-dormant creative muscles, and I’m loving it! I’ve had a blast making custom items, including decor for a bridal shower and promotional material for a musician! If there’s something you’re wanting for an upcoming event or just need some cute stationery, let me know. I’d love to see what we can dream up for you!
Goals this past month went well! Here’s how I did:
- Keep traveling! – OH YEAH! The longest I spent in any one place is 5 nights, I think. I’ve visited four states and ten cities. So I think I checked this one off.
- Continue building up my stationery & card designs – Keep checking my Etsy shop, because I’m adding new options at least twice a week! This has been really fun to dream up new creations and I’ve had the privilege of making several custom creations, which I’ll share more of soon!
- Read 8 books – Ha. Not even close. But given everything else I’ve done this month, I can live with it. I think my final total was six.
- Write 7 blog posts – So much traveling means lots of new things to share here! I’ve got a bunch of March-related travels that will show up here in the next couple weeks. Check back soon!
- Exercise 5x/week – Questionable. I did my best, but between the asthma and the traveling this was a stretch. But I have tried to walk as much and get my Fitbit goals, but exercising has been mostly limited to hikes and museum explorations.

I really want to see what spring looks like in western Oklahoma, because so far there hasn’t been much green. Stunningly beautiful, but no greenery, so we shall see. The good news there is we’re heading back in a few short weeks!
Let’s do this, April! Here’s my goals this month:
- See Logan graduate from training
- Head back to Oklahoma
- Continue to grow my paper goods, including branching more into invitations
- Celebrate my birthday!
- Read 7 books (learning from last month, see what I did there?)
- Write 8 blog posts
- Exercise 5x/week

What are your goals this month? How are you trying to grow the things you’re working on?
All images copyright Teaspoon of Nose.