
Goals: June

Happy June! May flew by. We stayed busy enough that general life things like groceries or laundry barely got done. I’m not exaggerating, y’all – one morning I woke up to find we were out of toilet paper. OUT OF TOILET PAPER. How did we get here, folks?

Needless to say, the toilet paper issue was remedied, and last weekend I tried to catch up on those essentials. But let’s look at the bigger picture, shall we?

Logan graduated law school and commissioned into the Air Force!
He’s a lieutenant!

Here’s how I did on May’s goals:

  • Celebrate Logan’s commissioning and graduation! Check! We had an epic weekend of ceremonies and celebrations.
  • read 5 books- Check! I managed nine this month, nearly all audiobooks. Definitely some winners I’ll do write ups on soon!
  • work out 4x/week, except when traveling – Yes! Even when I travelled! Huzzah!
  • two friend dates – Check! These might be the most fun of my repeating goals. Good for my soul.
  • six blog posts – Check. Had a whole lot of fun blog-able things recently, so working hard on new content to share!
  • take a weekend graduation trip Had a relaxing long weekend in South Carolina with some dear friends. It was practically perfect! I’ll share more about the trip soon.
NC hydrangeas came early this year!

Onto June. This month’s major themes are:

  1. Weddings! Let’s be honest, I’m a young adult who worked with college students. I know a TON of people tying the knot. This month I’ve got one beachy bachelorette weekend and two weddings! So most weekends are wedding themed for me.
  2. For my long-suffering, dedicated husband, bar prep is in full swing. It’s killer – similar to law school hours but with more focused efforts. This means he’s not traveling at all, and only doing the occasional fun thing. We’re still trying to be intentional about spending time together  – a surprisingly difficult task when grad school is involved.

So with an eye to those, here’s what I’m hoping for this month:

  • read 5 books
  • write six blog posts
  • workout 4x/week, except when traveling
  • two friend dates
  • celebrate Taylor on her bachelorette weekend!
  • plan our European adventure: book some hostels, map out itinerary, look for deals!
  • work on French a little from DuoLingo (also for the Europe trip)
  • weekly date night (no work talk or studying)

blogAdditionally, there’s a few things I hope to implement which don’t seem quite as goal-oriented. Rather than a thing to check off, it feels more like a pattern I want to implement. They say you can build a habit in 21 days, so if I aim for one thing a month that seems fair.

This month, my “pattern” is to turn around blog posts faster. Sometimes I check out a new restaurant or test a new recipe, but end up not writing the post for a couple weeks later! I want to record my experiences and advice when its still fresh in my mind. My goal is to write my recipe and Triangle Bucket List posts within 72 hours. I may not always post them that fast, but this way I’ll get everything down!


What are your goals for June?  Share them below – I’d love to hear them!

all images copyright Teaspoon of Nose

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