About a year ago, Logan and I hatched a plan. After three years of law school and three months of bar prep, we knew we would need a vacation. A just-the-two-of-us, Big Deal Vacation.
We dreamed of Europe. Of gelato and pastries. Of castles and cathedrals. Of back street wandering, of old world beauty. Of pure, uninterrupted time free of studying or work.

Y’all, I’m not exaggerating when I say that daydreaming of this trip has gotten me through law school and is currently getting me through bar prep. To say nothing of my saint of the husband who is actually doing the work.
Fast forward almost a year and we’re nearly there! Our European adventure is taking form.
Our itinerary has shaped up like this so far:

- We’re trying to see Scotland, England, France, Italy, and possibly Monaco and Switzerland.
- In Scotland, we’ve got a day trip to the highlands and a day in Edinburgh.
- England will be pretty brief too, just a few days in London.
- From there, we’re renting a car to see the rest of France and Italy!
- Must-do areas include Normany, Loire Valley, Cinque Terre, Florence, and Rome.
- We’re trying to spend a day in Monaco and swing over to Geneva for a bit too.
We’ve done most of the broad strokes planning, but I’m still working out the details. Here’s where we need your help: what pro tips do you have for us?

What’s your favorite hostel, airbnb, or hotel? Foods we’ve got to try? Adventures to be had or neighborhoods to be wandered? Restaurants to not miss?
Let me know what we should do! Comment below or shoot me an email to share your thoughts.
Thanks y’all!! We are so excited for this trip!
all images copyright Teaspoon of Nose
It will be obvious once you’re there but trofie and pesto from a solid restaurant in cinque terre is a must. We got ours at a little place in Manarola (sp?), but I’m sure it’s good just about anywhere there. You can also buy it packaged and make it later on in your trip. We stayed in vernazza and took a train to the farthest village and walked the trail in a day. Awesome time. Where in the highlands are you going? Do you get to drive through the Chunnel???
We will definitely be on the hunt for trophy & pesto!!! No driving through the chunnel – for simplicity’s sake, we’re just rent the car for the France & Italy part of the trip and flying around the UK. Thanks!
Hey! Talk to me about Italy. And I’m going to London next month, so I’ll fill you in on what I learn. Relevant post: http://www.therestlesswild.com/blog/2015/1/11/florence-and-rome-an-overview and definitely go see the Duomo in Florence. Seriously, you can’t miss it. Because it’s the center of the city, haha http://www.therestlesswild.com/blog/2015/1/18/the-duomo
Thanks Liz! I actually remember your Duomo post from back when you first posted!! 🙂 I’m pumped for it. I’d love to chat more!! And have fun in London – I love that city and could stay there FOREVERR.
Your trip sounds incredible. We went to Italy and Ireland 5 years ago and it was awesome. Someday we’ll go back…We found an apartment on VRBO.com right outside of the Colosseum in Rome – AMAZING! We could fling open the windows and see the side of the Colosseum and the side of the front. It felt like a legit Italian apartment too, it was old and not super modern or updated – really lent to the experience 🙂 We stayed in the Chianti region in Tuscany – I forget how far away from Florence it was – maybe 45 minutes? We did a day trip to Florence and explored several little towns near the bed & breakfast place we stayed at – I know one town was Greve (I actually wished we stayed there because there is a good bus system that connects all the small little towns and would have been more convenient for getting around, we didn’t rent a car there because neither of us drove stick shift and automatic was very expensive to rent). Montefiorello (spelling?) was also an amazing little must see place – not much going on there, but it’s a completely connected town on a hill – built like a castle with houses all connected on the outside. Hard to explain but I’m sure you could google it. Enjoy your trip!
Thank you SO much Red!! This is so helpful!!! I’m so excited about the trip and your suggestions are fantastic. I’m LOVING your blog and excited to follow and check out more!!