August has arrived in all it’s sweatiness. I’m seriously unsure how people lived in Oklahoma before air conditioning. Confession: going back to the south this month, I was caught off guard by the southern humidity. But then I came back to Oklahoma and I’m sweating at 7 a.m., so who’s to say which is worse.
July held a lot of traveling! 2017 has probably seen me traveling more nights away from home than any other year to date. I’m not complaining; it’s been so much fun, and definitely offset some of the small town silliness I’m adjusting to. I am grateful to be back in my own kitchen and my own bed. Plus seeing the puppy is pretty great! He’s now enormous and hardly looks like the 8-week-old fluff ball we picked up in April.
July goals:
- Travel a bunch – Yes! I ate all the things in Charlottesville and saw some great friends. Check back soon for some Virginia hiking and vineyard fun showing up on the blog later this week!
- Create more Etsy goodies – Several new things are in the shop, including stationery, art prints, and bridal shower suites!
- Finish my Shutterfly photo album of our Europe trip – Close but not quite. But I made a ton of progress and I can probably finish in the next couple weeks!
- Create a writing portfolio – Nope. Worth doing, I just keep putting it off.
- Inbox zero – FINALLY. For months I’ve stored articles in my inbox that I want to read or refer back to. I’m the type of person that must have a decluttered inbox: that white space just matters. It feels inordinately good to have to this done.
- Come up with a work schedule or structure that helps me to differentiate between working and not working – Not really. Because of so much travel, I didn’t tackle this. I’m already working on it for August!
- Read 7 books – Yes! This was my favorite this month.
- Rest and relax! – Some? Again, the fact that I didn’t figure out a work schedule meant that I think about relaxing once the to do list is done, which is never. Does anyone else have that problem?

In an attempt to rest more and not fill my days with to do lists, I’m setting fewer goals this month. Here’s what I’m thinking:
August goals
- Participate in my first artist fair
- Read 7 books
- Update Etsy shop photography
- Plan a weekend getaway for Logan and me
In terms of travel, I’ve got a girls’ trip to Montreal at the end of the month! I first met these ladies in Australia almost 8 years ago and it’s been years since we’ve all spent time together! Any recommendations for what we should do/see/eat?
Outside of that trip, I’m hoping to use August as a chance to build some good routines for the fall: create some rhythms and build in some rest.

What does August look like for you? Leave your goals for the month in the comments below and we can encourage each other!
The links above contain affiliate links, which means few cents go to me (at no extra cost to you) if you book or buy something via that link. This helps me keep costs down and posts up! All images copyright Teaspoon of Nose.